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Justice. Italy.


Daphne Call - Transnational projects on violence against women, young peoople and children linked to harmful prctices (Just/2014/RDAP/AG/HARM)

Title of the project: "Free to choose"

Description of the project: 

Cultural diversity has always been a source of enrichment and disputes at the same time. The practice of early and arranged marriage is rooted in many cultures  from Nigeria, Bangladesh, Albania and, in particular, India, all of these being represented on the territory of the European Community.

Maintaining this practice in a foreign country as well supports one’s cultural identity, however some practices in many host countries are often prohibited by specific regulations.

The situations that emerged and that we can define critical are fewer than the actual; in fact, only in the most serious cases get to being known, those in which there is an attempt of escape or rebellion by girls led to this practice against their will, but the very representatives of some ethnic groups say that arranged marriages are still largely frequent.

In response to these events, the second generations on the European territory live in balance between the two cultures, the one of origin and that of the country where  often they were born, and are increasingly seeking greater freedom of choice, with  particular reference marriage, experiencing serious conflicts with the family of origin.
It would be very important to collect our mutual experiences and knowledge on the matter and meet in order to promote paths of information and awareness among migrant communities where this phenomenon is customary (with special reference to the second generation) and the construction of possible support networks for those people (especially young women) who want to escape this binding that is imposed on them.


  • to protect minors and young women against the practice of early and arranged marriage;
  • to provide information on rights, legal bindings and tutelage, by the means of activities promoting the change of mentality and behaviour;
  • to foster dialogue with the Public Institutions of the territory, the third sector, the Police and the communities to take effective action on critical situations
  • to support gender awareness, with special reference to affectivity, marriage and freedom of choice in the second generation of migrants.

Leading partner: The Province of Parma is the leading partner. The other local partners are the City of Parma, Solidarity Forum (the coordination of volunteering associations of the province of Parma) and we ASP, the company for the services to the person of the District of Fidenza.

Partner sought: As a partner it would be better to choose one Public Institution, one Research Institution and one Institution of the Third Sector in order to obtain a well balanced team

Deadline: 15/05/2015


Nicoletta Mestieri
Coordinatrice Area Tirocini Formativi
ASP "Distretto di Fidenza"
Tel. 0524.202744
Fax 0524.207788


Publicado por europa en mayo 6, 2015