: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Justice. Italy.

Title: “Action grants to educate and raise the awareness of girls and boys about gender-based violence as a way to prevent it at an early stage”


Description of the project/Partner sought: Notice under the "Rights, Equality and Citizenship": actions to educate and raise awareness among young men and women about gender violence as a way of early prevention.

Transnational projects concerning one or more of the following activities:


  • Education and awareness activities such as campaigns, demonstrations, workshops;
  • Capacity-building and training for professionals and volunteers who have contact with boys and girls and which are or will be involved in educational activities aimed at combating gender-based violence, including teachers and their trainers, school psychologists, sports coaches , youth leaders, the organizers of extracurricular activities and other similar professionals and volunteers.

The activities can be carried out in formal education and non-formal contexts or in other contexts. They are particularly encouraged multi-component campaigns, able to combine different methods of education and awareness.

The education and awareness should focus on providing girls and boys under 18, information and expertise on gender equality, stereotypes and gender roles, positive relationships, respect for others, and so on. These initiatives should stimulate critical thinking of young people so that they can challenge the habits that contribute to perpetuate gender-based violence. It 'also strongly encouraged the education and awareness of those who are violent spectator so intervene.

The education and awareness activities can address all forms of gender violence or specific forms, such as female genital mutilation, forced marriages or particular vulnerable social groups to violence, such as LGBTI community, ethnic or religious minorities, migrants, etc.

Beneficiaries: public bodies and private organizations established in one of the following eligible countries: EU countries,Iceland. The call is also open to international organizations.

Entity contribution: The EU contribution may cover up to 80% of total eligible project costs. The grant requested must not be less than 75,000 Euros.

Modality and procedure: projects must involve at least two bodies (the Applicant + 1 partners) of 2 different eligible countries.

For profit organizations may participate in projects only in partnership with public or private non-profit.

Projects must have a maximum duration of 24 months.

Applications must be submitted electronically, using the appropriate system - Electronic Submission System - accessible from the portal of the participants (registration to the portal and the acquisition of PIC is required for all involved in the project).

All information and documentation regarding the announcement are available on participants' portal.


Deadline: 08/03/2017



Europe DirectPisa


Giuseppe Pozzana g.pozzana@provincia.pisa.it

Paola Viegi p.viegi@provincia.pisa.it

Publicado por europa en febrero 14, 2017