: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Justice. Spain.

Title: “The Children Teachs Us (Los niños nos enseñan)”


Description of the project/Partner sought:


-         To carry out a creative program which young children transmit to adult people some values of respect, as a pre-measure of gender violence.

-         Establish an active methodology, which children acquire values of respect making their own information campaigns.



• Training to Volunteers, Staff, Teachers, Parents, organizations / communities

/ groups other entities.

• Meetings of program organization with organizations / communities / groups.

• Workshops / lectures/ presentations of the program to show and publicize the

aims of the project.

• Educational campaign, during school hours, for educational centers (schools)

and associations (and the country of the other entity or partnership) with

sessions for preparation of the script, recording and edition of short films, in

order to prevent gender violence. Academic year2017-2.018.

• Online exhibition about the children´s projets made

• Video library about the work of the participants.



Primary Schools: Children from 10 to 11 years old.

Other related: Staff, Volunteers, Teachers, Families, and other social entibies /

organizations / communities / groups.



-         Develop an educational program for children, where they are the main characters to prevent gender violence.

-         Increase the dissemination of the program, giving it a European value and interconnection with children from several countries.

-         Disseminate all the actions through a web portal for the prevention of gender violence with the contents made by the children. It will be complemented with youtube channel (videos, streaming days, etc), and social networks, such as: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc).



-         towns or municipalities.

-         local or regional authorities.

-         non-governmental organisations.

-         Schools.

-         other organisations dealing with children


Deadline: 20/02/2017



Fundación Iniciativas El Gigante.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fundacionieg

Contact person: Jose A. Ruiz Montalvan.

Phone number: +34 968473279 (09:00 a 14:00)

Email: fundaciongiganteeuropa@gmail.com

Publicado por europa en febrero 14, 2017