: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Maritime Affairs . United Kingdom.

Title: “Cornwall Marine Network”


Description of the project/Partner sought: Cornwall Marine Network, and its subsidiary company Marine Offshore Renewables Group, would be very interested in joining and supporting consortia being developed for the call "EASME/EMFF/2016/ - Blue Technology".

In particular, our expertise focus would support the first of the expected core activities "Develop a joint roadmap including an investment plan for a promising blue growth technology area, domain or value chain at sea basin level". In this instance, the relevant technology would be the marine renewable energy sector, and in particular wave, tidal and floating devices.

If you are currently looking for partners for this call, involved in the Atlantic Basin MRE sector, feel free to contact me to discuss cooperation opportunities further.



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Publicado por europa en julio 27, 2016