: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Migrants. Italy.

Title: “Media Path Inclusión”


Description of the project/Partner sought: The European context has shown, in the last months/years, how the role of migration phenomena is becoming more and more important in many countries of the European Union. The migration flows involve many countries in the EU and must be considered as a priority to treat at a social level, so that the intervention of youth organizations that operate with young migrants/refugees/asylum seekers is fundamental.


The migration phenomena include inside itself many tragedies, worries and stereotypes that must be widely treated, at different levels; that's why we decided to invest on the formation of youth workers that will treat this issue on the educational level, addressing themselves to young migrants.


The "Media Path Inclusion" project is a training course for youth workers, whose aim is to provide skills about the education and digital literacy for young migrants/refugees/asylum seekers, through a non-formal education method, to youth workers who operate in youth organizations, so that they can learn more about this matter and use new tools inside their own organizations.


The project's main subject is the media literacy (the ability of a user to profit from the contents that are spread by the media), seen as a tool to use for breaking down the stereotypes addressed to migrants/refugees/asylum seekers, so that we can prevent discrimination and intolerance phenomena than can lead to violence.


The youth operators that will be involved in this project, will then be able to use the competences learnt during the activities inside their organizations. They'll enrich their personal knowledge and also the capacity to efficiently work.


Media literacy is also a useful tool, in order to establish and to enrich the inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue; that's why the youth operators will be active promoters of new tools for dialogue and comparison inside their own social context an they'll also make sensitization actions, addressed to the local population (especially among the lower classes, which are less educated and more subject to discriminatory phenomena), in order to let it understand how important it is to be enriched by diversity.


The training course will also deal with social inclusion of migrants/refugees/asylum seekers, through the use of new media and the understanding of how they can become tools for social inclusion and redemption, so that they can help in finding job or improving the cultural formation of those youth that are helped by the partner organizations.


The project will have a long-term impact both among the participant youth workers and the partner organizations, because it will produce concrete effects on the young migrants that are daily assisted by them. It will also produce high-value benefits, because it will indirectly lead the young migrants to learn the above mentioned concepts.

Aims of the project:


- Giving the youth workers new instruments and knowledges, in order to stimulate the migrants/refugees/asylum seekers to learn and make a good use of digital literacy (e-learning platforms will help learning a new language and, consequently, finding a job):

- Using media literacy (the ability of a user to profit from the contents that are spread by the media) as a tool for breaking stereotypes against migrants/refugees/asylum seekers (prevention of discrimination and intolerance acts that can lead to violence):

-Using media literacy as an instrument for self enrichment, in order to establish an inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue;

-Facilitating the social inclusion of migrants/refugees/asylum seekers through the use of new media (new job opportunities and/or generic social inclusion, CV writing, foreign language learning in order to help accessing to the work environment);

- Creating new networks among different organizations/agencies: rules about welcoming, comparisons about the management methods, health, high-level formation and/or job placement.





E-mail: projectforeurope@gmail.com

Phone: +390952966120


Publicado por europa en julio 11, 2016