: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Rights, equality and citizenship. Italy.

Title: Partner search for project leader within the Program RIGHTS, EQUALITY AND CITIZENSHIP, call: REC-RRAC-HATE-AG-2016.

Description of the project:

The organization VOX - Italian observary on rights with head quarter in Milan is interested to get in touch with project leaders in order to participate to the call “Action grants to support Member States’ authorities in the identification and exchange of best practice to ensure correct and full implementation of the EU Framework Decision on combatting racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law".

Specific objectives:

  • “Concrete actions including training aiming at setting up and improving a methodology of recording incidents and data collection on hates speech and hate crime”: strengthen and expand, through dialogue with other european partners, the methodologies and the tools developed for the project “A map of intolerance”.
  •  “Monitoring of online hate speech, especially those projects focusing on strengthening or setting up monitoring tools at national level”:
    implement at national and european level the project “Map of intolerance” from both a quantitive and a qualitative point of view.
  •  Exchange of best practice and networking: to promote concrete actions to contrast the widespread use of discriminatory language, such as raise awareness of online hate speech
  • Coordination and cooperation between national authorities and civil society organisations: “the map of intolerance” is meant to be a tool of Public administrations, which, starting from the results of the project, can
    propose concrete actions to contrast this phenomenon.

Deadline of the partner search: 05/01/2017


For more information about the project, please contact  

Mrs. Maria Elisa D’Amico
Vox - Osservatorio italiano sui diritti
Piazza della Repubblica 7, 20122, Milano - Italy
Tel. +39 026570187;
email:  voxdiritti.redazione@gmail.com
​web site: www.voxdiritti.it



Publicado por europa en diciembre 13, 2016