: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search : Previous projects

Youth, France


Organization: Animaje is a local association for youth from Nantes (France). Created in 1997, Animaje works with teenagers who are between 12/25 years old. This association has for mission to offer technical, financial and human means to young people for organizing their activities and projects. Animaje has 800 members and develop actions on: proximity animations, trips during the summer holidays, social way, concerts, cultural activities and local manifestations, international exchanges.


Partner search: For the summer 2014, 20 young people want to prepare a new European exchange. They are interested to do manual activities, renovate and buidling, to develop activities with children, disabled people... There will be 2 leaders to accompany them. We are looking for a green space to live with sanitary arrangements. We have camping equipment and 3 mini bus. We just look for exhange and sharing with people

Contact: Gaëlle - animaje3@gmail.com

Publicado por admin en noviembre 26, 2013