: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Research and Innovation. France.



Title of the project: "Innovative public procurement in water management"

Description of the project: Member States had to recently transpose the directive 2014/24/EC into national law. It has the objective of giving more incentive for taking up innovation into calls for tenders. Public calls for tenders account for 80% of SME’s business. Developing innovative technologies, products or services is also an EU and national/regional priority to enhance SME’s competitiveness. The objective is therefore to understand, how, in a context of budget constraints, local authorities, water resources managers and other public bodies in charge of water management will transpose the new rules so that it can stimulate greater uptake of innovation within the framework of water resources management, it can encourage SMEs to better invest in innovation. The rationale of this project could be the exchanges of best practices in Europe to compare, benchmark, and learn about existing and future practices to transpose EU law into an incentive for innovation; and identify the elements of success that could be transferred.

Partner sought: Any country in Europe - actvity sector: water and wastewater activities, and water resources management. Any public bodies in charge of water management, water clusters, public authorities in charge of innovation...and any bodies having an interest in water management.


Gaëtane Suzenet


Publicado por europa en septiembre 9, 2015