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Research. Spain.

Title: Sustainability management/resource and waste management/energy efficiency on farms.

Description of the project:

The "Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario" (IMIDRA) is an autonomous organism of the Environmental Counseling, which its main objective is the research in the areas of agriculture, livestock and food. Likewise, it develops activities that allow rural environment development, and transfer of technology and knowledge at different levels, based on the needs of Madrid's agriculture and food sectors. The three principal functions and activides of IMIDRA are:

- Research.
- Support to research and rural development.
- Transfer of technology and knowledge.

We are proposing the use of renewal energies to supply climatization and hot water by using biomass, solar or geothermal energy in our instalations. On other side, we are looking for reusing the organic wastes and wastewater generated in the farms for closing the cycle of nutrients. 

The main objective is to minimize the consumption of resources and energy, reusing wastes as much as possible, and developing a more sustainable management of the farms.

For more information about the project, please contact  


Lucas Anton Losada

Organisation name : IMIDRA


Address : Alcala 16,

28014 Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Tel : +34 914383050

Publicado por europa en diciembre 13, 2016