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Rural development, Croatia


Name of the project: “Exchange of experiences in rural development”

Description: The Kalnik City Council, population 1350,  with experience in conducting projects co-financed by the EU IPA is looking for similar municipalities interested in participating in rural environment projects. 

Objectives: As a small municipality we would like to achieve cooperation and exchange of experiences from similar small municipalities in Europe, especially in fields:
development of rural tourism,
development of winemaking and enology and integration into the local tourism offer,
experiences with the commercialization of the wine roads,
combination of tradition and sustainable agriculture,
protected nature,
rich historical heritage and ect. 
Contacto: (People speaking english)

Kruno Durec, director of Tourist office
Tourist board Municipality of Kalnik and Local Action Group PRIZAG
Email: lag.prizag@gmail.com, tz@kalnik.hr
phone: +385992138501
Web del ayuntamiento: http://www.tz.kalnik.hr/en

Publicado por europa en junio 4, 2014