: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Sport. Italy

Description of the project: 

The youth exchange project, proposed by our association, aims to encourage integration, social inclusion and active participation of the European young through sport.

The young participants will cooperate in an intercultural context analyzing how sport contributes to fight discrimination and to foster integration and socialization of young people from different cultural, ethnic and religious background. During the project, the young participants will have the possibility to acquire skills in organizing and supporting sport events.
Different activities will be organized during the exchange programme: apposite space and time will be initially devoted to activities and ice - breaking exercises to encourage mutual understanding of the participants (team building) then, in order to harmonize the internal dynamics, exercises and activation plays (energizer) and creative activities will be proposed to stimulate the use of other communication codes such as movement. 

Daily, moments of sharing and debriefing of the proposed activities will be scheduled; this approach is able to magnify the capacity of analysis and recognition of resources by the participants themselves. This factor will be further implemented through everyday reflection groups where all participants will share their team experiences thus enhancing an in-depth exchange of knowledge and skills.

In the project the planned activities will give the chance of widening everybody’s knowledge of any sport and the way it is perceived in different cultures, using the non-formal education methodology; in this way the participants will share their personal experiences and training, also discussing on how sport is considered in their own countries and in different educational, cultural and social systems. 

During the daily moments of sharing and verification, participants will share their new skills and experiences of the group favoring an in-depth exchange of synergic knowledge, between the training process and the game (edutainment).
During the exchange, the young of the same nationality will work in groups to propose the creation of new material for the final workshops on the European sport that will be presented in Italy at the end of the exchange period. In this framework an international association will be created, with the aim of develop further initiatives focused on sport and on its social value.

Partner sought: The project includes 4 different activities, that will take place in 4 different EU countries, partners in the project, to give a greater visibility to the outputs of the project and to allow participants to better acquire the EU best practices in the field of sport.

Number of participants: 4+1 leader 
Age: 18+

Deadline: 14/09/2015


Contact person: Federica Mancini

E-mail: prometeus.eu@gmail.com

Phone: 0039 3491328301

Publicado por europa en julio 29, 2015