: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Sports. Finland.


Description of the project: A local educational board of secondary grade education level is going to realize "sportacademy" educational idea in some small municipalities and towns. They are now applying for a  prefeasibility project with international approach to visit a couple of  the best practise-places in Europe. The idea is to involve in education much more sport as nowadays  and identify physically talented youngsters already earlier for different training  as well increase the willingness to participate in physical acivities in general.

In Finland there are  "too much" children and youngsters who actually during the freetime just play pc games and play with smartphones. The responsability of physical exercise is felling much more for the educational system as the parents (and the future parents) are also inclined to decrease the physical activity because of the technological solutions and as educational staff here says; "somebody must do something" as it treats critical matters also on national health and future healthcare expenses.  We are possibly searching  partners in some kind of project on this in international level. In Finland this is a pilot project in its kind and in the already planned "way" to realize it. I would be very grateful on receiving information on possible efforts of same kind or already realized projects.

Partner sought: Some small municipalities and towns



Krista Antila 


Publicado por europa en noviembre 10, 2015