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Transport. Croatia.

Transport. Croatia.

Title: “SIM - Simulation methodology coupled with energy management and scheduling schemes for energy cost reduction in the railway sector"

Description of the Project: This project aims to increase railway sector competitiveness by the development of standardized simulation methodology for estimation of energy consumption.

The project aims to investigate six specific challenges which are as follows:

1. Energy requirements

The energy requirements for urban rail traffic all over Europe will be analyzed resulting from existing specifications, guidelines and best practices, notably from other R&D projects.

2. Energy simulation model

An energy simulation model will be developed and integrated in a simulation tool that will allow the evaluation of energy consumption for different driving setups.

The energy simulation tool will be applied for estimation of the energy consumption for the reference scenarios of the 4 traffic segments (high speed, regional, urban and freight).

3. Optimization

For the optimization of driver assistant systems the optimum drive strategies and energy management will be developed for different propulsion systems and traffic segments. The developed detailed energy consumption model will be taken into account in the optimization procedure to yield the optimal traction force, speed and position profiles in realistic conditions. A special attention will be given to the difference induced by the detailed energy consumption compared to optimal drive strategies in simplistic scenarios in order to ensure better adherence to the computed profiles through the driver assistance system. For the case of electrical traction, multi-train optimization will be applied to achieve additional energy savings by coordination of trains supplied by the same traction substation, notably via synchronized acceleration/deceleration.  Optimization procedure will also be open to include energy storage devices present either on the vehicle side or in the traction substation. The optimal energy cost criterion for different train running times will be fed to the level of time-schedule planning.

4. Reduction of the losses

Measures for reduction of the losses will be identified, notably through improved energy management of individual and multi-train configurations along the route based on the detailed energy consumption model. Encompassed will be also consumption of major auxiliary systems in the train, like HVAC, which may induce shortening of the optimal train running time if flexibility is allowed on the time-schedule planning level.

5. Innovative technologies

Based on the results of the previous EU research projects, e.g. Clean-ER-D, the application of the innovative technologies  fuel cells, high performance batteries, super caps and permanent magnet motors for electrical drives will be analyzed with respect to energy saving and life cycle costs for different traffic segments.

6. Global vision

Global vision of energy in railways will be developed including smart management of railway networks. For the case of electric traction, concept of coordinated energy management between traction substations will be developed.

Work Programme and funding scheme: S2R-OC-CCA-02-2015 – Energy usage, generation and saving approaches

Project Duration: 36 months

About UNIZG-FER: University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER) is the leading national and regional higher education and research institution with outstanding staff and students, closely connected with the economy, remarkably organized and internationally recognized. As Croatia’s leading academic and research institution in the field of electrical engineering, computing, and information and communication technology, UNIZG-FER wants to be integrated and competitive in European higher education and research area. It consists of 12 departments whereas on this proposal contribution will be provided by Departments of Department of Energy and Power Systems (energy consumption modelling and simulation) and Department of Control and Computer Engineering (energy management schemes). In time scheduling adaptation UNIZG-FER will be supported by University of Zagreb Faculty of Traffic Sciences (UNIZG-FTS). UNIZG-FER has close relations to the railway sector in Croatia such that the bid can be made stronger by including the verification on realistic setups provided by Croatian Railways – Infrastructure (HZ-INFRA) company.

Partner sought:

Required skills and Expertise:


Description of work to be carried out by the partner(s) sought:

To be confirmed. 

Type of partner(s) sought:

Software and hardware development skills.

Looking for a Coordinator for your proposal:


Deadline: 17/03/2016


Zoran Kostić 

 Senior Adviser


Tel: +385-1-6169-460


E-mail: zoran.kostic@mppi.hr

Publicado por europa en marzo 8, 2016