: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

URBACT III. Belgium.


Title of the project: "Lifelong Living in Inclusive Neighbourhoods"

Description of the project: Turnhout City Council (Belgium) would like to develop an URBACT project on the topic of social inclusion. With the new local strategic plan, Turnhout City Council wants to intensify and facilitate active citizenship. Turnhout wants to increase the livability and social cohesion in the city and wants to do so together with its citizens. More concrete: the city wants citizens to be closely involved by closing contracts, by periodic consultation or concrete engagements with neighbourhoods/districts, citizens and associated external partners. We will look for the most appropriate methodology to give citizens the opportunity to participate actively. We don’t only want to reach the middle class population, but also disadvantaged groups. We are searching for integrated methodologies and approaches to involve those target groups in a new – to –build – site, near to the railway neighbourhood. We want that neighbours get to learn to know each other in a new to develop site, near to the railway neighbourhood. When people take care for each other and when there is a ‘healthy social control’, they will live lifelong in a house/neighbourhood. We want to build up professional skills in participatory action planning.

Partner sought: Partners with experience in livelong learning, participatory action planning with disadvantaged groups,etc.


Katrijn Raeymaekers


Publicado por europa en junio 1, 2015