: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search



Title of the project: "Cooperation for Growth SMEs in the European Cities"

Description of the project: The project idea is the next step after the initiative: "Socio-Economic Growth Activation of Radlin Through a Complex International Promotion of Investment Areas" with the goal of implementing a series of actions in the domain of ‘city marketing’. It was promoting Radlin as a dynamic urban center with high growth potential, supporting and shaping its own socio-economic development. The goal of the project was to promote the town’s five investment areas. The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of Silesia in 2007-2013. Priority I, sub-measure 1.1.2. “Investment promotion”.

Partner sought: European cities, which has a new ideas, experiences or potential on how to develop the local economies by public-private partnerships, direct investments or other ideas which could help us to stop the process of depopulation and to take advantage of our potentials.


Mariusz Węglorz



Publicado por europa en mayo 4, 2015