: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search



Title of the project: "Quick Urban Forestation Extension"

Description of the project: The foundation CESEFOR (Soria) is looking for partners to develop an URBACT project on the topic of "Climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management". The objective is to develop a cooperation project among 6 European municipalities on the topic of Urban Forestry, energy efficiency and climate change.

Keywords: forestation, urban planning, urban forestry, water retainers, mycorrizhae, monitoring, sensors, Mediterranean climate, watering.

Background: the current Life+ project Quick urban forestation (www.quickurbanforest.eu) is working to promote reforestation in southern European cities (cities with arid conditions, surrounded by industrial or contaminated or poor soil areas with little vegetation, often located in valleys that affect the air exchange and with a population that tends to travel on weekends to other places with better conditions).

QUF project partners have developed an experimental plantation in the Spanish city of Valladolid, designing a 4 blocks pilot plantation which we tested combining mycorrizhae and/or water retainers, in collaboration with this city's townhall. The project shows results thanks to the treatment of statistical data from the surveys conducted in diameter and volume and other soil and environmental characteristics performed with sensors, automatically deployed on a wireless communication system. The following species were chosen for the experiment, due to soils criteria and climate: Quercus ilex, Quercus faginea, Pinus pinea and Juniperus thurifera as tree species; and amigdalus country as Acer communis as shrubs. Another important goal of the project is to develop a White Book of this plantation methodology and the creation of a Southern Europe cities group for networking on this topic.

Partner sought: Southern European Cities (cities with arid conditions, surrounded by industrial or contaminated or poor soil areas with little vegetation).


Riccardo Castellini


Publicado por europa en mayo 19, 2015