: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Volunteering. France.

Title: “Volunteering opportunities for "Young people with fewer opportunities"”

Description of the project/Partner sought: Based on the observation that a majority of youngsters is away from employment, especially the young people with fewer opportunities or NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training), we think that experimenting a volunteering or an internship abroad can be beneficial for this audience.

A lack of opportunities such as studies or jobs makes it harder for youngsters to find a place in society - those youngsters are competing with graduated and experienced people. It appears that formal education doesn’t fit everybody and when that’s the case, young people unfortunately experience school dropout among other difficulties. Many causes lead to this youth unemployment crisis.

Our organisation aims, as many others, to help young people accessing social and professional integration. In this sense, we consider that international mobility is a structuring step towards inclusion and employability, especially for young people with fewer opportunities. Whether it is a job, an internship or volunteering, an experience abroad always provides many learning outcomes which can be personal, cultural, professional, linguistic and technical.

To this end, we are planning to give the youngsters the opportunity to have an experience of volunteering abroad thanks to our European partners’ network. We plan to help about 20 young people to realize a project abroad from may 2017 to december 2018 with two flows of departures.

We are looking for partners (hosting organisations) for whom helping youngsters to develop their citizenship, (social) -skills, employability, etc. is a priority, as well as the use of the non-formal education methods in order to help youngsters re-entering a training or the workplace.

Moreover, our future partners would need to be aware that we mostly support young people with fewer opportunities and that this public would require a stronger tutoring.

If you share our values and objectives, it would be a pleasure to collaborate with you. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information and we are waiting for your PIF.



Parcours le Monde Grand-Est

E-mail: contact.grandest@parcourslemonde.org

Phone: +33(0)

Publicado por europa en diciembre 20, 2016