: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Youth. Albania.

Title: “Together for NEET 2”


Description of the project/Partner sought: The aim of the follow up project is to capitalize on cross sectoral approach and on the tools and methods created during the previous project to prevent young people at risk of leaving school from becoming NEET and to reintegrate those who are NEET in the education system.


Specific objectives of the project are:

1. To deepen the collaboration between the parterns and to expand the network of dual School - Youth organizations. To more countries and more partners.

2. To equip youth workers and teachers with tools, methods and knowledge about NEET, Reintegration approaches and prevention measures.

3. To implement and test the tools and methods created in practice, by involving young people (NEET or at risk of becoming NEET) local activities and international exchanges.

4. To record the findings of the cross sectoral approach and testing of the methods and disseminate them to the relevant stakeholders.


The above mentioned objectives will be achieved thourgh the following activties:


1. Cross Sector training course (Teachers, Youth Workers, Young NEET) - building cooperation and expanding knowledge

2. Activties in Local level

3. 3 International Youth Exchanges with three topics chosen by young people

4. Final conference and evaluation of the project

5. Recording of a documentary video with the activities and interviews

6. Publication with the findings of the project


What we are looking for:

Committed and responsible partners 2 per country (one School and one NGO from the same city) that work with NEET young people and / or have young people at risk of leaving school early.


Please send us a description of your organizations / school activties and profile and why you think that this project is in accordance with your organizations current activities and how could you contribute to the project and dissemination activities.


Among the duties of the partners will be:

1. To organize the participants of the mobility activities

2. To host some of the mobilities

3. To organize local activities with the youngsters

4. To contribute actively to the dissemination strategy of the project.




Bora Mezexhiu

E-mail: b.mezetziou@gmail.com

+355 698101453


Publicado por europa en febrero 7, 2017