: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Youth. Italy.


Name of the project: Call for proposal Youth in Europe: The call for proposals aims to promote specific  actions which enable young Sicilians to experiment European mobility.

Description of the project: The  Network of Europe Direct Palermo research partner of the European network Europe Direct available  to host the young Sicilians to make known the activities of the Information Network of the EDIC 
The project will promote specific actions that enable young Sicilians to make European mobility ,want to promote international experience to European level among young people,  to encourage mobility as an element of growth and multicultural comparison, curricular enrichment work, to develop a spirit of solidarity which kinds of social relations without cultural prejudices and awareness of European citizenship. 
Funded activities: courses curricular enrichment of work in order to create opportunities to learn new skills to facilitate the employment of young people. 
Subjects partners: EDIC, CDE and public bodies, and / or non-profit private entities 
The duration of the stage abroad at a Antenna Europe Direct will last 10 days : each network Europe Direct will host two or three young Sicilians . 
The volunteers involved in the project will receive training on the activities carried out by a Europe Direct center, training on important European issues, participate in events organized by network , learn to navigating the European Union website: specific EU documents (legislation, publications, press releases etc.) factsheets, reports, statistics, working documents etc. on specific EU policies. 

Partner sought: The partner should send a letter of intent signed by the legal representative.

Deadline: 31/05/2015


Simona Chines



Publicado por europa en mayo 8, 2015