: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Youth. Italy

Title: In Art Concordia: A journey through the european arts.

Description of the Project: the goal of the project is to encourage the young N.E.E.T. people through the arts.

KA1: Youth Mobility - Youth Exchanges. 4 young participants for each organization (+1 group leader, 5 participants in total), the project will take place in Castellammare di Stabia (Naples, Italy).

They will discover which are the common arts of the EU countries and they will learn the basic techniques to realize artistic handmade about these arts (For example the decoration of the ceramic tiles (typical of many EU countries) or the making of the christmas nativity scene (typical of Neaples, Cracovia, Hungary, Provence, Spain, etc.)).

through these art forms they will learn many useful ICT tools and basic knowledge about the handmade e-commerce (like etsy,amazon, ecc) and a particular kind of entrepreneurship linked to art and territory.

Venue: Castellammare di Stabia, Naples, Italy.

The program includes: non-formal activities, workshops, visits, practical sessions with youths, self-reflection groups, one-day final events, etc.

Partner Sought: They are looking for 5 more partners. In particular they are looking for organizations with a focus on the fallowing topics:

- Arts

- Youth entrepreneurship / Social entrepreneurship / Female entrepreneurship and Employability;

- Integration

- Media

- N.E.E.T

- European Culture / European History

- Intercultural Dialogue.

Participants for organization: 4 (from 18 to 27 years) + 1 group leader (25+) (5 person in total).

Deadline: 31/07/2019

Contact: Antonio

E-mail: lafucinaerasmus@gmail.com

Phone: 081 1886 2252

Publicado por europa en julio 1, 2019