Title: “Outdooractivitys for personal development”
Description of the project/Partner sought: Train the trainer in using outdooractivitys for personal development for youth with less opportunitys on labourmarket
The project wil be a cource/training with a theoretical part but wil mainly be practical, working in the field and learn how to use outdoorativitus as a tool for personal/groupdevelopment.
Part of the course:
- technica linstructions to handle activitys (hard skills) like: rope-skills, canoe-skills, orientating-skills, bushcraft-skills
- Soft kills: how to interpretate the outcoms and translate to a plan of acting. Translate it in positif competentions for the participant.
Gerrit Onstein
E-mail: gerritonstein@kpnmail.nl
Publicado por europa en octubre 6, 2016